I finally got my internet back. Things are finally looking up for the Maloney family. I called last Wednesday and they said it would be up Tuesday. Waiting those days about killed me, so after a very emotionally filled weekend, I'm happily catching up on message boards and emails. I'm back in my zone and doing so much better than I was doing yesterday. It's amazing how one little thing can totally change your outlook on things. So now I'm back and thought I'd do something about a blog (especially now that I may have people who would actually want to read it, thanks Marci!) I was going to just start over, but I like how I named this one. It fits so I'll keep it. I'm going to do some "dressing up" if I can figure it out. One things for sure, I'll get some pictures up. I love bragging about my kids so I should have something up about them.
So today was my son's first day of school. He's in third grade now and holy cow the boy's getting big. I'm so proud of him. Last year when the school year was over, he was reading and understanding math beyond his grade level. I can't wait for his first assesment to see what his teacher says about him.
My daughter, hmm...what can I say about that fidgiting ball of energy, other than I'm glad it's not destructive energy. The girl is not a sitter. Of course at 20 months she should be all over the place. But the other night she woke up in the middle of the night crying and she actually let me rock her back to sleep! This girl NEVER lets me rock her, and she hasn't purposely fell asleep on me since she was 4 months. So even though it was late I enjoyed every minute of it.
Well that's all I can think of for now. Hopefully I'll play around with this tomorrow. I need to work on my October Afternoon and Piggy Tales DT submissions, so I'm not sure where my focus will be. They both say you can do previous work, but I wanna give them something that I put my heart in just for them. TTFN!